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Monday, November 21, 2011

2011 Annual Fall Camping- Minnesota Northshore

This past late October I took an annual trip to the Northshore to check out the fall color.  This year I hit peak season, and because of decent weather, the campgrounds were full.  Even though the state parks were full, I was able to find a campsite in the Sawbill State Forest campground.  It was a beautiful 21 mile drive inland to the site.
Driving through the Sawtooth Mountains

At the Sawbill campground

Before the enterance to the campground.

My campsite at Sawbill State Forest Campground

Another attempt to photograph star trails.  Unfortunately I haven't had enough practice to quite master the art of doing so.  But at least I caught the trails.  :)

Temperance River

The Temperance River near Lutsen.

 This year I went on the Oberg mountain loop hike once again.  This is a great hike that is never a disappointment!  A spot along the Oberg overlook.

Fall colored tree tops

The forest full of firery color

Nearing sunset at Oberg mountain

A small lake around Oberg Mountain
Lots of color!

The lake surrounded by a mass forest of color

I love autumn!

Normal sky and tree top shot above.  The shot below was taken with the same exposure, only as I stopped down the shutter to take the photo, I turned the camera lens at the same time.  The result photo occured below.

gorgeous fall forest

Sunset at Oberg Mountain trail
Sawtooth mountains

Overlook in the Sawtooth mountains

A small pond near the trailhead to Eagle mountain

While I was near Lutsen, I decided to take the hike up Eagle Mountain.  Eagle mountain is the highest point in Minnesota.

Lake reflection along the Eagle mountain trail

Hiking up to Eagle Mountain
Fall reflection

Takin a break- almost to the top of Eagle Mountain!

Eagle Mountain overlook

Made it to the top!!

Resting at the top of Eagle mountain

I also hiked along the Superior Hiking trail in Tettegouche State Park on the day of my final day up North. 

Shovel's point-Tettegouche State Park

Lake Superior at dusk

High Falls Tettegouche State Park

It was a gorgeous fall morning for some photography at High Falls

Baptism River

Pebble Beach along Lake Superior

On my way back home, I stopped at Split Rock Creek State Park to do some hiking.  Here, a small island around Pebble Beach.

Self portrait at Split Rock

Split Rock Lighthouse

1 comment:

  1. These are amazing! Wish i could see them first hand.
