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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

One for the landscape

More Peonies are blooming at work!!  They're so beautiful, that I plan to purchase one for my own landscape at home.  But which one?  I've narrowed it down to a few of my faves:
Peony Walter Fraxton

Peony Shawnee Chief... look at them all!

Peony Shawnee Chief

Peony Mrs. Wilder Barcroft

Peony Rosabel


  1. The PEONIES!!!! You are tearing my heart out. I miss these blooms SO SO much!! I could almost smell them from the computer. Here? 4 blooms. $16. I have had mine in the ground for 2 years and they still haven't had a bud. My last one took only 9 years to bloom one bud. I bet that smells *heavenly*!!

  2. Holy cow, $16 for a bundle of 4? That's robbery!! I wonder if it's too hot for them down there, or they don't go through a dormancy period to bloom? That is a bummer! I just love the mass color of them all, and the smell too! This spring, the lilacs in full bloom was intense! The scent was so potent!
