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Monday, November 18, 2013

Milestones...Mom's 60th!

This weekend was a milestone of a weekend.  My mom turned 60!  We planned a surprise visit this weekend down to my parents to celebrate mom's birthday on the 17th.  The plan began with us hiding our vehicles and waiting for her and my stepdad to get home from a dance.  As the headlights shined in the window indicating their arrival, we "army crawled" along the floor through the dark and sat in the kitchen waiting for them to come in.  She was indeed surprised, when the lights came on!  I think we scared her to the point of almost peeing her pants!  Ha!
The birthday cake.  I made a 4 layered, chocolate raspberry cake, with enough sugar and fat in it to expand the thighs and add a chin!

On Saturday night, part of the surprise was to bring our mom to a dinner/play.  At the hall, waiting for dinner. Mom and Norm, (hiding from getting his photo taken).

Back at home after the play.  My mom had no idea we still had cake to eat! My sister and Mom.

We didn't put 60 candles on the cake in fear of it melting, or becoming waxified.  So we settled for a few.

The best photo ever!!  Don't mess with the 60 year old!  The cake reflected off the knife, making it look like mom already took out someone.  Classic.  :)

We presented mom with a memory box, with various postcards inside from family and friends that wrote down memories of my mom.

Norm and mom checking out the box.

My nephew and mom.

A closer look at the memory box.  Laura put this together.


Another milestone this weekend on the way back home; my car hit the 200,000 mile mark!  Let's hope it hangs on a little while longer yet!

Not only was it my mom's birthday on the 17th, but Matt's mom's birthday as well!.  Sunday night Matt and I went to the MN Wild Hockey game with Matt's mom and Matt's uncle.  Up on the score board, they put a "Happy Birthday" message to her.  She was overjoyed to see her name up there!

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